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Get involved at St. Peter

Altar Guild Volunteers

We are currently looking for members of the church to serve on the altar guild. If you are interested in serving your church in this way, please speak with Carol Long, head Elder, and sign up in the Narthex.

Sunday Bible Study

We encourage all to join us for our Sunday Bible Study each Sunday at 10 am as we study God's word and enjoy a time of learning, fellowship, and food.

Lector and Usher Volunteers

Would you like to read our Old Testament and Epistle readings on Sunday during worship? Would you like to volunteer as an usher on Sundays? These are really fun and easy ways to serve your church. If interested, speak with Christina Gust in the Church office.

Food Pantry

The food pantry is open on the last Sunday of every month from 12 pm until 1:30 pm. Please consider volunteering your time to help with a wonderful ministry. 

Thrivent Financial

Are you a member of Thrivent? If you are, there are opportunities to help assist St. Peter Lutheran Church or other non-profit organizations with free money. Please speak with Christina Gust in the Church office for more information on these opportunities or on how to become a member. 

Altar Flowers

Each week flowers are placed on the altar. The cost of the flowers in $15. If you would like to donate flowers in memory or honor of a loved one, please speak with Carol Long or Christina Gust in the Church office.

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